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Sept 9, 2004. The Boro water guy (coincidently, the same guy to whom I sold one of the electric ranges) sees the digging and gets involved.
Sept 9. We had good reason to be concerned. Surprise! There are two water lines and three valves. One line had apparently been abandoned.
Sept 9. Jeff and I have been concerned about being able to shut the water off. Here Jeff & his dad dig up the pipes at streetside.
Sept 8. We hired a moving company to take the furniture and major appliances to our storage space on the mainland. We're packing & moving everything else ourselves.
Sept 3. Jayne & I moved the large planter to a location safely outside of the construction zone.
August 28. "Winter quarters" is about 8 minutes from our job site. It has this great view of the bayside. (Also see one of the great sunsets.)
August 28, 2004. Here are my rented island "winter quarters" where I will set up for the project. I am renting the 1st floor.