CPDay Shore House Weather

39º 42.173´N , 74º 08.147´W

Updated 4 Aug 2020 11:13 AM

Rooftop Weather Station

Temperature Current: 76.7°F (-1.2)
Heat Index: 76.7F
Wind Chill: 85.1°F (0.0)F
High Today: N/A°F at 8:00 PM
Low Today: N/A°F at 8:00 PM
High This Month: 88.4°F
Low This Month: 74.8°F
Wind Current Direction: SSE
Current Speed: 31 MPH (9) MPH
Current Gusts: 43 MPH (9) MPH
High Today: N/A MPH at 8:00 PM
High This Month: 30 MPH
Rainfall Current Rate: 0.50 in/h (0.50)
Total Today: 0.36 in
Total This Month: 0.01 in
Since 18-Sept 2012: 20.54 in
Barometer Current: 1003.1 mb (-2.9)

External temperature graph Internal temperature graph Wind direction graph Wind speed graph Wind chill graph External humidity graph Dew point graph Heat index graph Rain rate graph Daily rain graph Pressure graph Cloud base graph

radar map courtesy of Weather Underground

daycam07 snapshot (click here to expand)

CPDay's Davis Instruments Vantage Pro2 (Reload this page to update snapshot)

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